Frustrated on Friday
Hi kitties. I would like to share a story with you. I know that Mom and Dad love Mattingly and I very much, but sometimes I don't think we get all the respect we deserve. I'm going to give you an example below.
One morning I was sleeping peacefully on the bed:
This is a very comfortable sleeping position and I sleep like this a lot. But I should know better... because it is very easy to get disturbed in this situation. And sure enough, Dad saw me, and even though he was getting ready for work, went and got the camera.
The flash and the camera noise bothered me so I covered my eyes and asked him to leave me alone. But he couldn't help himself and had to rub my tummy. So I was awake and irritated, as you can see in the picture below.
Dad finally left me alone and went off to get ready for work and I went back to sleep, but before I knew it, he was back in the bedroom to put on his socks. And where did he sit? But almost right on top of me!!!
I glared really hard into his back to see if he would get the hint and move, but he didn't right away.
Eventually he did leave and go to work... but by that point I had given up on the bed and was off to the living room somewhere. Does this ever happen to you? The beans can have the bed at night, but during the day it belongs to the kitties. When will they learn? I wish I could say this was the first time it happened, but things like this happen all the time. I suppose it's a small price to pay for the food, and shelter, and toys, and all the love we get. But still... we are cats... we deserve respect!
Oh yeah, and now that neither of them has a job (how lazy) they disturb us ALL DAY LONG! I'm telling you, we need to send these beans back to skool to learn proper respect fur us cats!
You would think that covering your eyes would be enough of a hint that you do not want to be disturbed! Can you believe my Mommie makes me move when she wants to make the bed? How rude!
Oh Harlie my love, I understand completely! We can't get any rest here either 'cause Mom goes around with the flashy thing, bothering us while we're napping.
And, I'm a big guy so I'm hard to miss, but Dad has almost sat on me more than once when he sits on the bed. Of course, he always apologizes for nearly squashing me!
We get disturbed alllllll the time. Fortunately, after almost 15 years, we have her trained that a certain look will make Mom back off but she still forgets every once in a while.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
all the time! we need RESPECT ~the Fluffy Tribe
This happens to us too! Why do they think they can bring out the flashy thing all the time and interupt our peace and quiet?
This is yet another example of unacceptable human behavior. I think a bitey may be in order.
Oh Harlie ... it is so tough isn't it? At least Dad has finally learned not to use the flash when he takes my picture.
Bloggers are set to blog for peace June 4, 2008.
I invite you to join me - and a cast of incredible bloggers - as we mark our world with a promise of peace. Bloggers from around the globe will participate in the fourth launch of BlogBlast for Peace.. I hope you will participate again in this growing phenomenon. Click the link below to learn how to get your peace globe.
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BlogBlast For Peace: A Revolution of Words
If words are powerful, then this matters.
Mimi Lenox
P.S. You are officially peace globe #293 in the Peace Globe Gallery.
Brought to you by Mimi’s little peace helpers.
Harlie my love, I tagged you & Mattingly for a meme!
I occasionally let the humans sleep in my bed at night too but only if they are very, very good.
Beds are for kitties! Isn't it horrible that we have to share???
Haven't heard from you for a while, so, since this is the Holiday for Hugs, I am sending you all one:
Hey now, Mattingly, I see your 3rd birthday's coming up this week. Anything planned for a celebration?
We haven't heard from you in a while. I certainly hope your humans aren't preventing you from blogging.
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