Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Advice for Harlie

Hi everykitty. I first just want to say thanks for your concern and well wishes for my Dad. He is doing just fine... just a little uncomfortable and tired today.

Today I'm turning the blog over to Harlie. She has a few things she needs to say. From now on she'll write in red... because that's her favorite color.

Hi all kitties and beans and other fluffies. I wanted to write today because I'm having a bit of a problem and could use some advice. See, I've always been a mischievous kitty, and everyone in the house loves that about me. But lately I've been naughty... and I don't know how to stop! I've started biting fingers and toes again all the time. I try to eat things out of the sink. I keep getting into the garbage so much that now the garbage can is locked in the bathroom at all times. I know all the things I'm not supposed to do, but all of a sudden I can't help doing them! I'm sick of getting sprayed with water and told "No" and being removed from surfaces I don't belong on. It is a little hard to live up to Mattingly's reputation. Mattingly is very smart and learned all his lessons quickly. I was learning them too, but now I keep forgetting them! Can you offer any advice? I know Mom and Dad still love me, but I don't want to keep disappointing them.

Thanks a lot for any help you can give. ~Harlie


The Meezers or Billy said...

Harlie - what you are going frough is furry furry normal. Our v-e-t saided that it's like the "terrible twos" that bean babies go frough, you're testing your limits again. It will go away, just tell your mom and dad and Mattingly to be patient, but strikt wif you. And 'amind them to gif you lots and lots of hugs and loves and say "good girl" efurry time you listen to them. Mommy says that I was furry trying when I was a kitten. - Miles

Max said...

Buddah's going through the same thing. It's like living with a sticky little people are doingwith him what they would do with a sticky little person. teling him No firmly but not yelling. Removing him from things he's not supposed to do. Putting things away they don't want him getting into because he IS a little crackhead and doesn't always remember to leave things alone. He gets lots of poitive reinforcement when he's being good...lots of the snuggles he realy likes and kisses on his head (I hate that, he loves it.)

The Woman figures he's got a good 6-8 more months of crackheadedness before he settles. And he's a year an a half old!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

i hav no anserz fer yer behavyer ...
luv--yer frend--jh
go yankeez!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Max, because Moose is the same way as Buddah, and about the same age. He is getting into EVERYTHING lately. Your momma and daddy will just have to keep up the firm hands until you get the idea.
~ tammara

Anonymous said...

I'm very glad that your Dad is doing fine. I agree with the other kitties. You are just going through one of the normal stages of kittenhood, Harlie. Things will get better in time.

Just Ducky said...

Some of us kitties are just furry good at pushing the envelope. We have high energy and have to do stuff to use up our energy. I am over 3, I still chase mum and sometimes try to put the bitey on her and get into other mischief. Hey it is just the way I am, maybe you are that way too.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

I am sorry but I can't really help, because I am a little devil myself. If you find out the answer, please let me know.

Precious Flower

The Crew said...

Hi Harlie! I'm 8 months old now and I think we're about the same age. I'm Mom's 8th kitten and she says our behavior is completely normal. Every kitten (& cat) has our own personality and learns at our own speed. Tell your people to just hang in there and in a few months, you'll calm down some.

Your friend
Misty E

Ivan from WMD said...

1. It's just a phase--you're still little.
2. Blame it on dogs who break into the house whenever your mom and dad are out.
3. If you have a kangaroo in you like my sis Olivia does, you can blame the kangaroo.

Anonymous said...

The things everyone else said are good ideas.

Also, don't forget to get your humans to pay a lot of attention to you. When you live in a many-catted house, like we do, sometimes you get left out, and then you try to get extra attention by acting bad. So if your mom and dad spend more time with you, and also play with you (so that you get tired), I bet that will help.

Unknown said...

Everyone seems to have already said what we would say - be firm, consistent and loving and wait for you to "grow up". It's hard to always be compared to someone "perfect" though, isn't it? Glad your dad is feeling better! -- Alberta, Sky, Blackie, Charlie and Maggie Fu

jenianddean said...

This is more advice from Mom and Dad, because I'd say "keep it up" ... but if you are getting on the counter and eating from the sink, or getting into the trashcan, they may want to try these things. Kittens as a rule do not like the feel of aluminum foil, so if that is left crinkled on the counter it me help you break that habit. Also, Mom and Dad bought a trash can from Bed Bath & Beyond made by Simple Human with a flip-top lid. It keeps us from getting in trouble with the trash can. As for the biting, that should stop as you mature ... just make sure your parents don't accidentally make it a game or it'll become something fun. When Maggie was doing a lot of biting, Mom and Dad would slip a small stuffed animal between the toes and her so she'd learn to attack that instead. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Claim it's stress and ask to see a catsyitrist. ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko KO